How do you start a ceramic tiles business

By Sarah
February 13, 2024

Ceramic tiles are a BILLION DOLLAR deal. Let me tell you why. It stands at an INDUSTRY size of 227 billion USD. It is NO MILLION but billions.

That makes a STRAIGHT WAY based on the DEMANDS. But one thing, how is the COMPETITION? Competition is LESS, too, because most businesses don’t try this niche. They move to other ones with lower investments.

But there is one PROBLEM. How do you start it? Don’t worry; we have COMPLIED this guide to extend a HELPING hand to you.

Let’s talk about the step-by-step tile business process.

1. Basics of tiles Business

1) What is the tiles business?

Tiles business refers to procuring, selling, and delivering products to consumers. From a global perspective, it has a higher profit margin and a potential for higher sales.

That makes you print money quickly and unleash unlimited business potential.


2) How do you start?

The start is not very difficult. Here is what you need to have to sell the tiles.

  • You must have your market ready. If you are selling offline, you must have a brick-and-mortar store. If selling online, get your store ready.
  • Get your suppliers who will provide you with products.
  • Ship products.
  • Do marketing
  • Start selling.

Tip: Don’t worry. We will guide you on how the whole process is seamless.

3) Global Tiles Market Stats

Tiles business is one of the most famous businesses. Guess why? Because of EASE of access and higher profit margins. Plus, the cost of the tiles is less.

You can get an idea by looking at the global data of the tiles business.

  • Tiles market size is 227 billion USD
  • By 2027, forecasters expect it to reach 320 BILLION USD!
  • The annual growth rate is 1%.

Source: Markets and Markets

Think for a moment; its market cap is in the billions. That shows the higher demands and best sales chances for your business.

2. Pros and Cons of Ceramic Tiles business

The ceramic business has many PROS and cons. We will go through them thoroughly.

1) Pros

● Higher profits

The tiles business has higher profit margins. It is when you buy from China. Chinese suppliers offer a lower cost. It creates a higher margin per product.

Plus, these are high investments with savings of 30%+ per product.

● High customer retention

Don’t worry about customer retention. It has a pretty high customer retention rate. Do you know why?

Customers are investing a large sum of money. If you create a good impression of quality, the result will be a long-term deal.


● Scalable

With rapidly changing times, you have to consider business flexibility. And change it to meet the customer demands.

As far as we consider the ceramic business, it runs with the time. So, you don’t have to worry about increasing hassles for bringing changes.

● Unlimited income

Expand your business and extend the profits. That is the future potential of the ceramic business. It will let you grow faster. Implement new strategies. And earn a potential income.

Make unlimited money.

2) Cons

It is not just the positive point. Instead, you should look at the cons too. Here are some disadvantages of the ceramic business, too.

● Difficult to manage

Enormous business creates nuisances larger than life!

It perfectly fits here. You have to manage all your business dealings. Promote it. And maintaining the cash flow is a significant concern for the beginners.

● Higher investments are needed

Stop dreaming about a 100 USD business. To start a tile business, warm up your pockets. And have at least $10K.

Do you have that? Most people have a low cost to commence. It can be a big problem for them.

3. Develop a business plan

A business plan gets you through the park of success. Do you have that? Let me shower some light on the business plan.

1) Determine your business

Save time. And know your business. What exactly are you starting? Is the company feasible? How will you manage all your deals?

You must keep an eye on every aspect of your business. And kickstart your business.

2) Assess business goals

Every new business has to set a target. Try harder to get them. That is when you know what to do and how to do it.

Take some moments and assess your business goals. Make an index of your goals. And dream with hard work to achieve them.


3) Highlight products

Ceramic products can be of variety. Not just the tiles are crucial partners for your business. Instead, think about other ceramic products. If they suit your business, it would be better to consider them before taking them off your business plane.

4) How will you manage?

A single error in delayed shipping to consumers and failure there! To avoid failure, you must know the supply chain. Have a relevant experience. And lay out the points to manage in your supply chain.

5) Costs and Projections

How many products will you list? What will be their prices? How are you going to make the money?

A to Z cost and future projections will surely save the day. And help you shoot up the deals!

4. Register your business

If you are getting underway with the business, register it with the local government. On Amazon, you can go for the brand registry. LLC is also a hit of time if you launch it. Here are some steps to register your business.

1) Know local registration rules

No matter which corner you live in, know the local registration rules. In the USA, you have to go through a complete registration process. Legalize all your business details, whether you are working on Amazon or any other website.

2) Adhere to rules

Do you want to save yourself from legal matters? Stay on the line of rules. Follow all the legal regulations. It will help you protect yourself from government fines. And sell smoothly.

3) Go for LLC registration

LLC registration involves legal complexities. For example:

  • Keep your business name.
  • Make all the details about your business transparent.
  • Have an LLC registered agent.
  • Apply for the LLC registration.
  • Identify your business.
  • Get it registered.

LLC keeps your operation under your business and helps you enjoy a seamless experience.

4) Get certificates

Certificates are proof you have safe products. Amazon or the local government in every country has some articles in their laws for safety. Certificates are one of those items.

You must get UL, ISO, and other relevant certificates for the ceramic business.

5) Start Business

It is time to commence selling. Add the products if you own a local shop or sell on Amazon. Sell!

5. Find Chinese ceramic Suppliers

Chinese suppliers are famous worldwide for their lower prices and quality tiles. So, you can rely on them and use the following ways to find them.

1) Try supplier directory

The supplier directory is the home of the suppliers. It can be either Alibaba, 1688, or Dhgate. You must find a supplier directory. Visit it to get the right supplier.

Chinese ceramic Suppliers

2) Get recommendations

Do you have some business friends? Leave it on to them. They will tell you their expectations regarding the suppliers. And share some precisely excellent suppliers for your business deal.

3) Visit Trade Shows

Trade shows are held in places like Shanghai, Dubai, or business centers worldwide. All the suppliers gather at such a point to disclose their magic tiles. You must head to trade shows and get a reliable tile manufacturing supplier.

4) Consider online websites

Many online websites like Amazon are fruitful for your business, too. You’ll get the top-rated suppliers and commence your business without stopping anymore.

5) Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber of Commerce is a business center where all suppliers have records. If you want a local supplier, the Chamber of Commerce can be a suitable deal for this time.

6. Top 10 Chinese Ceramic Tiles Suppliers

We have listed the top 10 Chinese ceramic business suppliers. Confirm all the features and buy only if the supplier meets your business demands.

1) Dongpeng Ceramics

Dongpeng Ceramics is one of the top suppliers. So, we have made it to number one. It was founded in 1972 and has its headquarters in Foshan.


Its dedication to quality and customer value amplifies its reputation. Some of the top products include:

  • Sanitary wares
  • Ceramic tiles

Some key benefits of this supplier include:

  • Eco-friendly. They aim to produce environmentally friendly products. If you are an eco-lover, it is the best choice.
  • Quality production. Dongpeng has strict quality control. That gets you the best tiles, which will skyrocket your business.

2) Monalisa porcelain slab

Monalisa is a pioneer of ceramic tiles manufacturing due to its excellent quality setup. Since its inception in 1992, it has served consumers globally. It has its headquarters in Foshan. And produces some of the premium quality tiles.


The main products include:

  • porcelain panels
  • classic tiles
  • Marmo tiles
  • ceramic tiles
  • and porcelain tiles

Its pros are:

  • Quality tiles. Don’t worry about quality when you are working with this supplier. It values quality. And shines your brand repo.
  • Wide range of products. Almost all types of ceramic tiles are there. Stop wandering and save time. Check its products.

3) Xin Zhong Yuan

Don’t forget the name Xin Zhong Yuan when you live in the last corner of the world. It has access to 120+ countries and ships products smoothly. Established in 1984, Xin Zhong Yuan has delivered products to consumers globally.

Its main products include:

  • Ceramic tiles
  • Building materials

The benefits are:

  • High production capacity. It has ten production bases. That means you can go for bulk orders. And meet your consumer demands faster.
  • Standardized tiles. They focus on producing the international standard products. Sell globally with honor!

4) Marco Polo Ceramics

Living in Qingyuan City, Marco Polo Ceramics has earned a unique name. It has been working since 1988 and furnished quality ceramics.

They have entered the US market, delivering to local US businesses.

The main products.

  • Architectural ceramics
  • Tiles

The pros are.

  • Five production centers. Marco Polo Ceramics has five production bases accepting bulk orders. You can grab non-stop supplies.
  • R&d team. Their R&D team is very active in designing new products. You’ll get new ideas and products on time.

5) Kito ceramics

Kito Ceramics is a leading tile manufacturing company. Because of research and development, it has kept its focus on product creativity. Therefore, it has pushed its design boundaries beyond expectations.

Kito ceramics

The main products include:

  • Ceramic tiles
  • Unique Tile design
  • Sanitary material

Benefits are:

  • Creative designs. Don’t worry when it comes to design. They have some of the best styles of tiles.
  • Affordable prices. Their costs are not high. You can easily make higher profits when buying tiles from them.

6) Eagle ceramics

Have you heard of Eagle Ceramics? They have reigned in the ceramic industry for the past 40 years. Premium tiles are impressive.

Eagle ceramics

It was established in 1974 in Foshan, China. The top products include:

  • Ceramic tile manufacturing.
  • Building materials.

The benefits are:

  • Wide range of products. It has a variety of ceramic types for your buildings. You can boom your business.
  • Innovative inventory. The new products are pretty innovative and unique. It will intensify your brand recognition.

7) Oceano ceramic

Oceano Ceramics started as a factory but now has massive production capacity. Founded in 2004, it is ready to accommodate your bulk orders and focus on your demands.

Their motto is to offer consumers quality tiles and the best products. Its top products are:

  • Ceramic tiles.
  • Building materials.

Its benefits include:

  • Best Quality. Oceano has a primary focus on quality. So, you can trust their products and make a name.
  • Aesthetic designs. The aesthetic design leaves no stone unturned to engrave your consumers. You’ll make more sales with them.

8) Cimic ceramic

Let’s make it up to the CIMIC ceramic, founded in 1997. This business has its tiles manufacturing locations in China. And focuses more on quality and creative tiles.

Its main products include:

  • Polished tiles
  • Rustic tiles
  • Wooden tiles
  • Marble tiles

The top benefits are:

  • Quality tiles. They focus on providing businesses with quality products. Therefore, their tiles have quality. And a source of more sales for your business.
  • Aesthetic designs. Creative designs will mesmerize you. So, believe in their products and get higher business deals.

9) Nabel Ceramics

Nabel Ceramics, a patent award winner, has 600+ patents in its collection. Its power is in the research and development department. Established in 1992, you get only quality products.

Nabel Ceramics

Take a look at critical products.

  • Sintered slabs
  • Porcelain tiles

The benefits include:

  • Quality tiles. Their tiles are the best quality in the town. So, check it and confirm before you buy.
  • Affordable prices. The costs are pretty affordable. You’ll make more profit margins.

10) Jinduo Ceramic

Jinduo Ceramics is an outstanding supplier in Foshan. It is rooted deep in the ceramics industry and has stood out among the suppliers.

Jinduo Ceramic

It has the following top products.

  • Ceramic tiles
  • Modern style tiles

Don’t worry, it has some pros, too. Check them out!

  • Diversity of tiles. They have a variety of tiles ready for the supplier. Increase your business diversity when working with them.
  • Quality products. Product quality is undoubtedly the best. You would love it.

7. Key Factors to Look for in the Tiles Supplier

Don’t run for a supplier unless you are 100% sure the supplier is a reliable and long-term partner. Here are some key factors to look for in a reliable supplier.

1) Ensure the supplier is verified

The first and foremost thing to know is: Is your supplier verified? It is easier to do on Alibaba because it puts a verification badge on the verified suppliers.

Moreover, Alibaba has gold suppliers. You can have better trust in such suppliers because of their verification by the Alibaba team.

2) Confirm factory location

All suppliers have a factory where they manufacture the tiles and ceramics material. It is the right time to know about the factory. You can manually visit the factory and ensure it is there and has cutting-edge equipment.

3) Check quality control

Some factories have strict quality criteria. It guarantees the optimal production and best quality tiles.

You have to let suppliers you are interested in know about quality control. A good tile manufacturing supplier will guide you through the manufacturing process.

4) Figure out business progress

How does the tile manufacturing supplier go? Know the whole dealing process and accomplish the deal with some positive impacts.

5) Confirm lead times

Lead time is the estimated time for tile manufacturing. For example:

You talk to a supplier. And the lead time is 20 days. That means your products will be ready within 20 days. Extra time will take it to ship and reach your doorstep.

You need to confirm it from the supplier.

6) Get samples

Go the extra mile to test the quality tiles. Get some samples to check their ingredients and resilience. Know whether it procures the essential quality or not!

You can save yourself from wrong bulk orders if there is no quality. And move on to the next supplier.

8. Import from China

Have you ever shipped from China? If not, it can be a hectic task if you don’t know how you will send it.

Let me give you some steps and necessary tips for importing from China.

1) Choose a shipping service

A shipping company ships products to either your country or your doorstep. No matter what company you choose, make sure it is reliable. Has years of experience in shipping. And offers affordable rates.

2) Decide on the shipping option

Air shipping or sea shipping? Express shipping or standard shipping?

It all depends on your choices. Since tiles have a high weight, it would be better to decide as:

  • The 100-kilogram weight would be suitable for air shipping.
  • If your weight exceeds 500 kilograms, consider using ocean shipping.

Ocean shipping is far cheaper but slow compared to air shipping.

3) Ship products

Have you chosen the company? Is your shipping option final?

Close the shipping price. Load your tiles. Let the airplane take off, or sea vessels sail on the journey!

4) Go for customs clearance

Maybe you know about the customs, but every cross-border shipment must go through customs clearance in the importing and exporting countries.

Here are some points of vital significance related to customs clearance.

  • Customs scan all your products.
  • They have a fee for the inspection.
  • You have to get your import duties ready to pay.

Once you get a clean chit from the customs, it is time to ship products.

5) Receive products

From China to your country, shipping occurs either through air or sea. Once the products are in your local government, they get packed in trucks.

Shipping company sends products to your doorstep. After receiving the tiles, you can think about selling them.

9. Tips for Successful Ceramic Tiles Business

A ceramic business is not successful until you know in and out of this business. Here are some tips that speed up your ceramic tiles business success.

1) Have a Plan in Place

Don’t start unthinkingly. Outline your business. Know where to start. And how will you succeed?

Making a complete flowchart of your business operation. Turn it into an enlightening path.

2) Understand the market

Always do market research. There is no compromise on it. That is when you’ll know:

  • Best-selling products.
  • What tiles have the most demand?
  • How competitors are successful.
  • What should you plan to compete with others?

That is only possible with effective market research.

3) Involve Sourcing agents

Sourcing agents are pro players of the game. They know all the tile manufacturing suppliers. Understand the market. And have years of experience to guide you through the valley of success.

You can hire them to minimize errors in your operation and stay active in your business.

4) Do marketing

Without letting people know you exist, how will you even obtain sales? Marketing is necessary at this point. Allocate some budget to do marketing on Google. Use Amazon PPC ads. Or consider Facebook ads to promote your business. And maximize exposure.

That is when you’ll achieve targets faster and make more sales.

5) Focus on customer retention

A single customer can make you a millionaire. But it all depends on the customer’s preferences. Better support your consumers even after they have purchased products from you.

Offers them extra discounts to earn their loyalty. Grow your business differently and uniquely.

10. FAQs

1) Is the tiles business profitable?

Yes. It is a profitable business running globally. So, don’t miss the train and ride to make the money. And earn higher profits.

2) How do I start my own tiles business?

No rocket science! It is as simple as finding a tile supplier. Open your store. And start selling the tiles. The ceramic business is profitable. So, you’ll make bucks.

3) How much does a tile business cost?

You must have at least USD 10-15k to start a ceramic business. It needs higher investment, but sales are as per the budget. Invest more to earn more.

4) How do you get the best tiles supplier?

For the best suppliers, visit some popular websites such as Alibaba. Find the suppliers. Filter them out based on the features. And choose the best one to purchase the products.

5) How much can I earn from the tiles business?

No exact answer is valid at this point. It depends on how many bucks you invest. If the profit margin is 20%, you can make 2000 USD per 10K USD sales. Therefore, it depends on how much sales you make in this business. According to that, we can ensure how much profit you’ll make.


Before you launch the ceramic business, measure all the factors. Know your target market. And invest only if you are 100% sure.

The tip of the day is to advertise your business. And focus on customer retention. Only then do you make more money and raise your business worth.

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